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  • 王喜龙
  • 所属院校: 北京大学
  • 所属院系: 城市与环境学院
  • 职称: 教授
  • 导师类型:
  • 招生专业:
  • 研究领域: 研究方向:环境/土壤化学


个人简历 研究兴趣 1. 污染物环境微界面过程 2. 污染物的生物有效性 3. 环境材料合成及应用 4. 环境纳米技术 5. 污染土壤及水体修复 6. 微生物在环境中的应用 教育经历 1999.9-2002.7北京大学,博士 1996.9-1999.9中国科学院地理研究所,硕士 1992.9-1996.7兰州大学,学士 工作经历 2008.9 -现在 北京大学“百人计划”研究员,教授 2005.5 - 2008.7美国麻省大学植物、土壤与昆虫系,博士后 2003.4 - 2005.3日本金泽大学自然与环境技术研究所,博士后 博士生 杨宇(直博)(和陶澍院士合带,已毕业) 吴凡(普博)(2016级) 李森琳(直博)(2015级) 陈薇晓(直博)(2014级) 张海韵(直博)(2012级) 张萌(直博)(2011级) 沈晓芳(直博)(2011级) 郭晓盈(直博)(2010级) 硕士生 储杨阳(2016级) 陈吟(2015级) 高茜(2014级) 蔡菲(2013级) 刘晔(2012级) 马恩行(2010级) 舒良(2009级) 本科生 武心依(2014级) 岳珈丞(2013级) 付博(2012级) 王慧(2011级) 周信哲,赵慧斌(2008级) 王彦骐,尹力(2007级) 刘彦(2006级) 科研项目 主持国家杰出青年科学基金、国家自然科学基金面上项目、科技部973项目子课题等多个项目 参与国家自然科学基金重大项目、海外及港澳学者基金等 部分国际会议报告 Tao, S.; Wang, X. L.; Modeling the fate and transfer of benzo(a)pyrene in the wastewater irrigated areas of Tianjin. Proceeding of international conference on environmental concerns and emerging abatement technologies. Vol 1. Beijing, China. 2001. Wang, X. L.; Sato, T.; Xing, B. S. Tamamura, S. Identification of anthropogenic emission sources for trace metal associated airborne particles from Kanazawa, Japan. Proceedings of the international workshop-terrestrial sediment information and long-term environmental changes in east Eurasia. 106. 2003. Wang, X. L.; Xing, B. S. Sorption and displacement of pyrene in soils and sediments. 69th SSSA Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2005. Sato, T.; Hasebe, N.; Kashiwaya, K.; Tamamura, S.; Kizu, R.; Hayakawa, K.; Wang, X. L.; Zeng, R. S. Records of the atmospheric inputs of loess and pollutants in Japanese lake sediments. Proceedings of the international symposium of the Kanazawa University 21st-Centruary COE programs. Vol 1. 111-115. 2003. Sato, T.; Kashiwaya, K.; Hasebe, N.; Yamamoto, M.; Komura, K.; Kanaoka, C.; Tamamura, S.; Fukushi, K.; Kizu, R.; Kamata, N.; Hayakawa, K.; Kawanishi, T.; Wang, X. L.; Zeng, R. S. Fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and radionuclides through loess over Pan-Japan Sea Area. Proceedings of the international symposium of the Kanazawa University 21st-Centruary COE programs. Vol 1. 161-166. 2003. Tamamura, S.; Ota, Y.; Wang, X.; Sato, T.; Hasebe, N.; Kashiwaya, K.; Yamamoto, M.; Yang, D. Y.; Kim, J. Y. Nahm, W. H.; Matsuoka, T.; Sakaguchi, A. Records of human activities derived lacustrine sediments in Korea and Japan, Korea-Japan international symposium on earth surface environmental changes. Daejeon, Korea. 2004. Wang, X. L.; Xing, B. S. Sorption and competition of organic compounds on wood chars. Humic Science and Technology Ninth Conference. March 22-24, Boston, 2006. Wang, X. L.; Cook, R.; Xing, B. S. Sorption of aromatic compounds by biopolymers: Roles of composition and structure. Humic Science and Technology Tenth Conference. March 21-23, Boston, 2007. Wang, X. L.; Xing, B. S. ENVR 8-Dissolved organic matter affects sorption of organic contaminants on carbon nanotubes. 235th American-Chemical-Society National Meeting. April 06-10, New Orleans, 2008.




