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  • 金万勤
  • 所属院校: 南京工业大学
  • 所属院系: 化工学院
  • 职称: 教授
  • 导师类型:
  • 招生专业:
  • 研究领域: 1.Mixedionic-electronicconducting(MIEC)materials2.Organic-inorganiccompositemembranes3.Novelmembranes4.Porousceramicmembranereactors5.Nano-MaterialBiosensors6.PhotocatalysisbasedonTiO2materials


Wanqin Jin is Professor of Chemical Engineering at Nanjing University of Technology, and the Chief-scientist of the National Basic Research Program (973 plan) of China. Since 2008 he has been appointed Deputy-director of the State Key Laboratory of Materials-oriented Chemical Engineering. Professor Jin’s academic career started in 1999, when he received his PhD degree in Chemical Engineering from Nanjing University of Technology. In 2001, he was a research associate at Institute of Materials Research & Engineering (IMRE) of Singapore. From September 2011 to March 2003, he was granted the Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship and studied at University of Cologne in Germany, after which he joined the faculty at Nanjing University of Technology and became full professor. He was once visiting professors respectively at Arizona State University (USA) in 2007 and Hiroshima University of Japan in 2011 when he was supported by the invitation fellowship of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). Professor Jin’s research interests are mainly focused on inorganic membrane science and technology for sustainable energy resources, especially developing novel ceramic-based membrane materials,membrane processes and membrane reactors. Together with his research group, Professor Jin successfully developed dense ceramic catalytic membrane materials and membrane reactors for the effective utilization of nature gas (methane), carbon dioxide and biofuels. He was the first to design a new kind of ceramic-supported polymer composite membranes for biofuel production and solvent recycling via pervaporation, and his team has made this composite membranes be commercialized now. Professor Jin complete successfully more than 10 Chinese government key projects and his current research includes the project 973 plan (National Basic Research Program of China, 2009-2013).




