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  • 张彤
  • 所属院校: 南方医科大学
  • 所属院系: 第三附属医院
  • 职称: 副教授
  • 导师类型: 硕导
  • 招生专业: 内科学(内分泌与代谢病)
  • 研究领域: 糖尿病慢性并发症的防治、甲状腺结节及甲状腺癌的精准诊疗




1. Zhang T, et.al. Lack of coordination between patients: investigation of Physician-Preferred and Patients-Preferred(4P) basal insulin titration algorithms in the real world. Patient Preference and Adherence.2018,12:1253-1259. SCI收录,影响因子1.733 2. Zhang T, et.al.Sex hormore-blinding globulin levels during the first trimester may predict gestational diabetes mellitus development. Biomarkers in Medicine.2018,12(3):239-244. SCI收录,影响因子2.3463. 二甲双胍对老年2型糖尿病患者血乳酸水平的影响。中国老年学杂志,2017,12(37):2956-2957.通讯作者.4. Zhang T(张彤), Lin M, Li W, Fan X, Du T, Zhao Y, Zhang X.Comparison of the Efficacy and Safety of Insulin Detemir and Insulin Glargine in Hospitalized Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Crossover Trial. AdvTher. 2016,33(2):178-85. SCI收录,影响因子2.50 5. Tong Zhang(张彤), Tao Du, Wangen Li, Yimei Chen, Guangda Xiang, Jianmin Ran, Cheng Peng, Hong Zhang, Lie Feng, Gugen Xu, Yinghong Du, Hongbin Luo, Aimin Deng, Lu Li. A U-Shape Relationship between HbA1c and All-Cause Mortality Rate in Diabetic Patients Admitted for Secere Hypoglycemia: A 15-Year, Multicenter, Retrospective Survey. J Endocrinol Dia Mel,2014,2,96-1006. Xiaowei Li, Tao Du, Wangen Li, Tong Zhang(张彤), Haiyan Liu, Yifeng Xiong. Efficacy and Safety of Weight-based Insulin Glargine Dose Titration Regimen Compared With Glucose Level- and Current Dose-based Regimens in Hospitalized Patients With Type 2 Diabetes:A Randomized, Controlled Study. Cli Ther,201436(9):1269. SCI收录,影响因子2.587. Wangen Li, Xinlian He, Tong Zhang(张彤), Guangda Xiang, Jianmin Ran, Cheng Peng, Hong Zhang. Hemoglobin A1c proportion, mortality rate, and risk factors for death in diabetic patients with severe hypoglycemia: A multicenter retrospective survey over ten years. Dia Res Clin Prac. 201193:17-20. SCI收录,影响因子2.60




