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  • 李世佳
  • 所属院校: 华东师范大学
  • 所属院系: 心理与认知科学学院
  • 职称: 副教授
  • 导师类型:
  • 招生专业:
  • 研究领域: 生物心理学(BiologicalPsychology),基因成像学(Geneticneuroimaging),压力与抑郁症(Stress&Depressiondisorders)


李世佳博士:华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院副教授。硕士毕业于华东师范大学脑功能基因组学重点实验室,获分子神经生物学研究生学位,其后获国家留学基金委授予的国家公派博士研究生奖学金,赴德国奥尔登堡大学心理学院读博,研究领域为急性压力对人类情绪性记忆提取的行为学和基因成像学分析。2013年受邀到隶属于德国马格德堡大学医学院及莱布尼茨神经生物学研究所的临床情绪神经成像实验室(CANLAB)进行博士后工作,进行和抑郁症相关的行为学和大脑功能连接研究直到2015年8月回国。目前的研究重点是1) 健康人群和情绪性疾病人群在急性压力情况下的不同决策行为和对认知灵活性的影响,以及生物因素(如基因多态性)和心理因素(如人格)对大脑功能的影响;2)抑郁症病人快感缺失的脑机理和基因成像学研究;3)压力应对的发展。 Dr. rer. nat. Shijia Li was graduated in East China Normal University with a MSc. degree in Molecular Neurobiology. After graduation, she was awarded 4 years PhD scholarship from Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) and went to Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg in German, joined the Biological Psychology Team of Prof. Dr. Christiane M. Thiel and started working on the Human cognitive behavior and fMRI study. Her main interest during PhD was how acute stress influence emotional facial memory retrieval. In 2013, Dr. Li started working in the team of Prof. Dr. Martin Walter - The Clinical Affective Neuroimaging Laboratory (CANLAB) of Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg and the Leibniz Institution for Neurobiology, as a PhD assistant and then a Postdoc. During the time, her focus was the attention regulation related functional connectivity in healthy subjects and depression patients. Dr. Li currently work as associate professor in the organization of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University in Shanghai, China, since 2015. Her main topic is how individual differences (both biological and psychological factors) and social stress influencing the perception of unfairness and cognitive flexibility, as well as clinical applications; moreover, she is interested in the development of stress coping. 奖学金和主持国内外项目: 1. 2016年度国家自然科学基金青年项目 (31600921),2017-2019 2. 2016年度上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划项目 (16YF1403200),2016-2019 3. 2017年度中国博士后科学基金第10批特别资助 (2017T100281), 2017-2019 4. 2016年度中国博士后科学基金第59批面上资助二等资助 (2016M591624),2017-2019 5. 2016年度上海市高峰学科建设华东师范大学教育学课题,2016-2017 6. 2016年度华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院预研究项目,2016-2017 7. 德国马格德堡大学女性科学家博士-博士后过渡奖学金:2014.07-2015.01 8. 国家留学基金委博士生奖学金:2009.09-2013.09 Awards & Grants (selected): 01/2017-01/2019 National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 06/2016-06/2019 Shanghai Sailing Program 2017-2019 China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Special Foundation (10th) 2017-2019 China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Financial support (59th, second level) 15.07/2014 – 15.01/2015 Postdoc-Brückenförderung für Wissenschaftlerinnen der Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg (Postdoc-bridge promotion for female scientists in the OvGU Magdeburg), 6 month 09/2009-08/2013, China Scholarship Council, financial support for oversee PhD program, 4 years. 全英文课程讲授 (English course): For undergraduates: Frontiers in Biological Psychology: Stress, Brain and Mental Health(本科生课程:生物心理学前沿 - 压力,大脑和心理健康),本课入选2017年上海高校示范性全英语课程建设项目。 中文课程讲授 (Chinese course) For undergraduates (psychology as the 2nd major): Psychology Core Concept(辅修课程:普通心理学) For graduate students: Stress, Brain and Mental Health(研究生课程:压力、大脑与心理健康) 著作: 1. 《疫路心防:用温暖照亮前方》,2020,上海教育出版社(编写组成员之一) 2. “哀恸、创伤和自责:创伤压力触发的心灵之痛”,《重启生活:疫后心理重建指导》第二章,2020,上海教育出版社




